岡山は井原市に本社を構えるクロキ株式会社との協業によって新たに開発された、オリジナルの左綾デニム”JIMI CLOTH”を使用。縦糸にはジンバブエコットン7番手を使用し、ピュアインディゴにて染色。緯糸は同じくジンバブエコットン7番手を使用。生地の重さは12.8oz。一般的なデニム生地はインディゴ染色した縦糸と、染色加工を施さない生成色の緯糸を用いて織られますが、ライトベージュに染めた緯糸を打ち込むことで、色の交わりに深みを演出しています。

The original left handed twill denim called “JIMI CLOTH”was newly developed in cooperation with Kuroki, headquartered in Ibara City, Okayama, Japan. The warp is made of 7 count Zimbabwe cotton and dyed in pure indigo. The weft yarn is also made of 7 count Zimbabwe cotton and dyed in light beige. Fabric weight is 12.8oz. Generally, denim fabrics are woven using indigo-dyed warp yarns and non-dyed weft yarns of a raw color, but this denim fabric is woven using a light beige-dyed weft, However, the weft yarns dyed in light beige are woven into the fabric to create depth of colors.


The most distinctive feature of this weave is that it is woven in left twill.In left twill, the twisting of the yarn is tightened and the ridges (twills) stand out. Compared to the rough impression of right twill, the surface of left twill is more flat, and a calm luster and flexible texture are created. In addition, the ridges make it easier to show whiskers, and give it a Tate-ochi fade appears.







・Iron tuck buttons
This iron tuck button is originally made. These buttons oxidize in reaction to moisture and sweat, producing a reddish-brown rust.

・Copper rivets
Copper rivets are used. These rivets oxidize in reaction to moisture and sweat, turning a patina color.




・Leather patches
The leather patches are made of cowhide. Brand logo engraved without ink. The brand logo will disappear when it’s worn out, it means the garment is becoming your own personal one.

・Round Stitching
This specification refers to the classic archives. It shows that the denim products are based on the history of denim products.



コアヤーンと呼ばれる糸を使って縫製されています。 芯の部分はポリエステルスパン糸で、周囲を綿糸で覆った糸。適度な強度を備えつつ、表面の綿糸が経年と共に褪色していきます。


・Belt loops
Belt loops are shaped with a bulge in the center. This specification refers to the classic archives. They are stronger and become a distinctive part when aging.

・Core Yarn Sewing
The garment is sewn using a threads called core yarn. The core is made of polyester spun yarn, surrounded by cotton yarn. While providing moderate strength, the cotton threads on the surface fade with age.

Original zipper is used. The our emblem of the sun is engraved on the pull.